Cookie Preferences

The preferred use of cookies can be selected in the following table. Detailed information about cookies used in this website is included below. You can modify your choice anytime by revisiting this page using the relevant cookie link that is always available in the bottom-right corner of the page.

Select your cookie preferences
Type of cookieUsed forYour consent
Storing your cookie preferences, security features, improving loading times Always active
Storage of your NDP preference for subsequent page views (required for calculations to function properly)
Anonymous website traffic analysis with Google Analytics (these cookies are optional, they do not affect the user experience)
Display advertisements (such cookies are not used by this website) Not used

Detailed Cookie Information

What are cookies?

"Cookies" are small text files stored in your device that remember certain preferences for your subsequent pageviews or future visits. Cookies are used on almost all websites. This website uses cookies to deliver the best possible user experience, to collect anonymous statistical data about its web traffic, and for security reasons. In general the cookies we use are separated into four categories:

Depending on their duration the cookies are separated into two categories:

Depending on which website or domain places the cookies two categories are distinguished:

Detailed information about cookies used by our website

In the tables below detailed information is presented about the cookies directly managed by this website (defined under the domain name "eurocodeapplied.com").

Cookies directly managed by this website (first-party)

Cookie NameCategoryUsageValuesExpires
CookieSelectionMadeEssentialStores whether you have already selected your cookie preferences so as not to repeat the notification in the futuretrue6 months
CookieConsentFunctionalityEssentialStores whether you have given consent to storing cookies belonging in the "Functionality" categorytrue6 months
CookieConsentStatisticsEssentialStores whether you have given consent to storing cookies belonging in the "Statistics" categorytrue6 months
.AspNetCore.Antiforgery.xxxEssentialUsed by ASP.NET Core framework to Prevent Cross-Site Request Forgery (XSRF/CSRF) attacks for pages where you submit information in forms (e.g. calculation pages){random string}Session
RecentlyVisitedEssentialOptimize loading times of subsequent page views by not sending inline style sheet data already in the browser cache memorytrueSession
FontsLoadedEssentialOptimize loading times of subsequent page views by not waiting for webfonts already in the browser cache memorytrueSession
NDPFunctionalityStores the last selection of Nationally Defined Parameters (NDPs) in order to automatically select it for your next pageviewYour NDP selection e.g. Belgium6 months or session

For more information about the anti-forgery cookie see also: Prevention of Cross-Site Request Forgery in ASP.NET Core.

Information about NDP cookie: The NDP cookie stores your last selection regarding the country for Nationally Defined Parameters (NDPs) e.g. Belgium, in order to re-select it for your next pageview. If you choose an NDP set other than CEN Default then a cookie must be set in order for the calculations to function property. This is because certain aspects of the calculation results are modified depending on the value of the NDP cookie that is sent to the server when the calculation is performed. For this reason if you modify the NDP dropdown menu your selection must be remembered either by a temporary session cookie or a persistent "Functionality" cookie. To sum up:

Cookies installed by Google Analytics

This website uses Google Analytics (if you opt-in), a well-known web analytics service offered by Google, which collects certain anonymous data about the website’s traffic. We use the aggregated data provided by Google Analytics to analyze statistically our web traffic. Google Analytics uses first-party cookies to perform its services, which include persistent cookies storing random numbers in order to distinguish different users. The anonymized user data cannot be used to identify persons. Google Analytics cookies are only installed if you have given your consent for the "Statistics" cookie category, otherwise Google Analytics scripts are not activated. The information about Google Analytics cookies is included below as this is provided in Google Analytics Cookie Usage on Websites (cookies related to "analytics.js").

Cookies installed by Google Analytics (first-party)
Cookie NameCategoryUsageExpires
_gaStatisticsUsed to distinguish users2 years
_ga_xxxxxxxxxxStatisticsUsed to distinguish users1 minute
_gat_UA-xxxxxxxx-yStatisticsUsed to throttle request rate1 minute
_gidStatisticsUsed to distinguish users24 hours

We prevent personal information from being transmitted to Google by Google Analytics cookies. You can find more information about the steps we take to make Google Analytics data anonymous in our Privacy page.

You can also opt-out from Google Analytics for all the websites that you visit by installing the Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on that is offered by Google for all major browsers.

Google third-party cookies used by Google reCaptcha v2

When you visit our contact form you will be notified that Google reCaptcha plugin is required to protect our contact form from automated spam. You will also be notified that Google reCaptcha uses third-party cookies already installed in your device by Google to perform its functions. The plugin will be launched only if you provide your consent to permit its usage of third-party cookies in our contact form.

We use reCaptcha version 2 to protect our contact form from malicious spam bots. To perform its function reCaptcha reads various third-party cookies already installed in your device by Google when you have visited other Google pages (such as the search engine google.com or GoogleMaps) or if you have signed in to your Google account, Gmail account etc. The values stored in these cookies are used by reCaptcha plugin to determine if a user is an actual person or a malicious computer bot trying to abuse our contact form. For this case the typical "I am not a robot" checkbox is displayed. If not enough information is present in Google cookies then you will be presented with a series of image problems to solve (e.g. clicking on certain images).

Therefore third-party cookies by Google are not installed by using this website, if they exist they are already present in your device. We do not have any control over these cookies, we cannot read, modify or delete them. If you choose to not allow the activation of Google reCaptcha plugin then our contact form cannot be submitted.

Cookies by ad and marketing providers

This website does not uses the services of ad and marketing providers. No first-party or third party tracking cookies are installed for ad and marketing purposes.

Cookies by social networks

We prevent installation of any first-party or third-party cookies related to social networks such as Facebook and Linkedin. This is accomplished by including the social network share functionality only through common links. No plugins are installed in our website related to social networks.

Review all cookies defined by this website

You can review all the first-party cookies stored in your browser for this website by clicking the button below. Cookies that start with "_" are Google Analytics first-party cookies.

Additional information

Disabling Cookies

If you wish so you may disable cookies in your browser and continue to use our website. Disabling cookies in your web browser will also disable essential cookies and the website will not function as intended. Here you can find more information on how to disable cookies for various web browsers.

More information about cookie technology

Here you can find out more information about Http Cookies.

More information about the cookies used by this website

Our aim is to utilize cookie technology to facilitate the functionality of the website while respecting the privacy of our users. If you need more information about the cookies used in our website please use our Contact Form to make a relevant query.