EurocodeApplied.com Free online calculation tools for structural design according to Eurocodes

Structural design calculations according to Eurocodes

EurocodeApplied.com is a free online service that civil engineers can use to perform structural design calculations according to the latest Eurocodes (EN1990 to EN1998) and the associated European Norms (ENs).

  • Comprehensive set of calculations, each corresponding to a particular section of Eurocodes
  • Nationally Defined Parameters automatically filled for supported countries
  • Printable design report generated instantly including detailed calculations, charts, tables
  • Free for both personal and professional use
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Find all available calculations (1) by navigating the code-list menu (2) by entering keywords in the search box, or (3) using the buttons at home page

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Calculations follow a familiar format: (1) save/load/print functionality, (2) input data in text boxes, (3) calculate button for instant results

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Select the current set of Nationally Defined Parameters from the drop-down (1). The NDP values are automatically updated (2) and can be further tweaked

Tables and charts are provided for use as design aids in your engineering projects


Why use EurocodeApplied.com

  • Productivity

    Use EurocodeApplied.com for your everyday calculations during the design phase of your projects

  • Reference

    Find all design calculations in one place without having to consult the code text all the time

  • Reports

    Include the calculation printout in your professional design reports

  • Verification

    Independently verify other computer programs and hand calculations using a reliable source

Meet the team

EurocodeApplied.com is maintained and constantly upgraded by a team of civil engineers specialized in the field of structural engineering. Our team leaders have 12+ years of experience in the design of major structures such as complex buildings, long-span bridges and special structures. We have also participated in scientific research projects funded by the European Commission with published results. Most importantly, we include in our website only quality content that we also use in our professional engineering practice.

Start your design now

Find all design calculations for each Eurocode